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Archer Engageによってリスク管理を合理化

Manage third-party risk across your entire vendor ecosystem.

Third party risk management

Most organizations utilize third parties. Managing them all and the risks that arise can be complex. 

ベンダーへの依存度の高まりが示すとおり、組織が単独でビジネスを執り行うことは不可能です。事業運営がますます多くのサード パーティとの関係の上に成り立つようになると、ベンダーやサービス プロバイダーに関連したサード パーティ リスクを継承することになります。つまり、ベンダーやプロバイダーにとってのリスクは、お客様組織にとってサード パーティ リスクの高まりを意味します。

Archer Third Party Governance により、ベンダーとの関係の監視を自動化して合理化することができます。サード パーティ エコシステムを正確に把握することで、サード パーティ管理のライフサイクル全体にわたってサード パーティ リスクを管理するために必要なアクションに優先順位を付け、アクティビティが円滑化されます。Archerがベンダー リスク プログラムの構築に役立つ仕組みをご確認ください。

AS EASY AS 1-2-3

Understand your third-party ecosystem

Catalog and assess third-party relationships, understand associated risks and be prepared as relationships and your business ecosystem evolves.


Monitor risk and performance

Stay current with vendor status and monitor risk and performance across the entire lifecycle of vendor management.


Enable consistent management

Consistently evaluate risks posed by third parties and apply controls, treatments and transfer techniques according to your organization’s risk tolerance.




Third Party Continuous Monitoring.



How to Minimize the Impact of Supply Chain Risk.



Mitigating Supply Chain Risk.

Use cases

Third-Party Catalog

Understand your relationships with third parties. Document third-party relationships and associated contracts, plus the business units and named individuals in your organization who are responsible for each relationship. 

Third-Party Risk Management

Build and execute assessments to help manage third-party relationships. Determine your organization’s residual risk and analyze the results.

Third-Party Engagement

Gain a holistic understanding of your organization’s dependency on third parties across your business units. Catalog the products and services third parties deliver to your organization according to each business process and business unit they support.

Third-Party Governance

Track performance metrics and service level agreement metrics for each third-party engagement.

Third-Party Security Risk Monitoring

Track performance metrics and service level agreement metrics for each third-party engagement.

Sallie Mae uses archer for effective third-party governance

Watch how Sallie Mae implemented new third-party risk process frameworks and automations to reduce cost, increase efficiencies, eliminate redundant systems, and drive deeper customer satisfaction by managing all third-party vendors within Archer.  

Sallie Mae Uses Archer for Effective Third-Party Governance
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Streamline risk management collaboration with third parties with Archer Engage for Vendors.
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